show promise
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You show promise as a musician but your lack of practice is keeping you back .
While our predictions aren 't perfect , they show promise .
Trends in Memories for Medical Electronics Show Promise to Enhance and Extend Life
The results of this study show promise of the experimental modeling in dynamic response prediction , structural vibration control and structural health monitoring .
Scientists said the insulin-producing ' Melligen ' cells show promise as a possible cure for type 1 diabetes .
Mr. Berman says findings from agricultural areas of Sri Lanka , India and China show promise .
Biofuels like corn-based ethanol show promise .
While both projects are still in embryo form , both show promise and are already serving as the foundations of some real-world applications .
Common herbs and spices show promise as an environmentally-friendly alternative to conventional pesticides , scientists have told a major US conference .
It 's also pointed out that the progress in technologies of servo drive and computational intelligence show promise for future development of precision injection molding technologies .
An expert on sex education programs , John Jemmott of the University of Pennsylvania , said some abstinence education programs may show promise .
The scientists describe using triclosan 's molecular structure as the model for developing other potential medications , including some that show promise as more effective treatments for the disease .
The skin of the mink frog , likewise , contains secretions that show promise for fighting " Iraqibacter " .
The polyelectrolytes / n-In_2 O_3 interfaces show promise p-n junction . The result was discussed in order to improve p-n junction of bipolar membranes .
If the technique continues to show promise , ' this type of method may have a chance to be the new drug of the 21st century , ' says Dr. Cohen Kadosh .
Since the dropout problem doesn 't only start in senior high school , special programs in junior high school focus on students who show promise but have a record of truancy , that is , staying away from school without permission .
My bargaining stratagems are starting to show some promise .
The research is limited , but it does show some promise .
Given these advantages , photodiode array detectors show good promise for use in pesticide analysis .
Gene therapy and sonodynamic therapy show considerable promise as new treatment for malignant tumors .
An explanation is given on the orientation of the development of ASIC test , with emphasis on the functional test methods for ASICs that show great promise .
These evolutionary approaches may show great promise , but at the same time it is important to better understand the many triggers that can cause cancer in the first place .
Tissue engineering has show great promise for creating biological alternatives for implants , in which a scaffold plays a key role in seeding the cells and serves as a template for tissue regeneration .
Indeed , it is service-sector exports themselves that show most promise , including often-forgotten contributions to the balance of payments such as fees for the use of intellectual property .
Boost-phase interceptors show more promise than an alternative called the airborne laser , which would attempt to disable ICBMs by focusing laser beams on them as they ascend .
Mammalian cell culture and transgenic organisms show the greatest promise for the expression of full-length , recombinant human antibodies .
Monolithically integrated master oscillator diode laser amplifiers show a great promise as a compact high-power diode laser source .
Destiny brought us together the first time during the war to show me a promise of hope , and now it had reunited us to fulfill that promise .
These young footballers show a lot of promise .
Both whole-genome studies show the technique 's promise , geneticists say .